Friday 13 January 2012

Topic 2.1 Blogging

The more I do in this subject the more hooked I get.  It still frightens me how much is out there, but I'm getting a handle on a slightly larger corner than I had before.

This subject of Blogging - I think I may be behind by a week or two....
The origin of blogs (weblogs) was to be a link driven series of sites that revolved around links to other websites that could be commentated on by the blogger.  Other bloggers could join the subject with their own links and commentary, thus beginning a communication based on similar interests.   Originally to be able to blog involved knowing how to write in HTML and also offered no right of reply - they were read only so had no interaction.  This gave weblog editors a degree of power as they could chose which sites they promoted into Cyberspace.

The introduction of  WYSIWYG software saw an explosion of blogging, as it was suddenly accessible to many.  Surowliecki (2008) describes this as "giving people a voice that have never had one before".  He believes that the Tsunami brought intelligent, participatory citizen journalism to new heights with blogs from the front line that traditional journalism could not have achieved.

Rettberg (2008) discribes blogs at some length as being a network of links more discerning than social networks such as Facebook and MySpace, both of which create networks similar to traditional social networks - families, colleagues.   Blogs, she argues, create networks based on common interests between bloggers, often through 'weak' links (Granovetter, as cited by Rettberg 2008).

I'm feeling very clever!   I have completed all requirements of 2.1 - I have set up Google Reader and I've event started to sort out my Delicious with tags and successful saving.  Now to WordPress!

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